Infrared Sauna

Detoxification through sweat is a centuries-old practice. Modern environmental medicine has proven that sweat is more than temperature regulation, it’s also part of the body’s elimination system. It’s one of the best ways to detox your body. Infrared sauna therapy offers a more enjoyable and pleasant experience. It warms the body from within instead of just heating the air around you, providing unique health benefits beyond a traditional sauna.

Sweat Out the Toxins– Sunlighten saunas, with the deepest infrared penetration, can help increase blood flow and perspiration. Sweating is one of the body’s safest and most natural ways to heal and maintain good health by helping to eliminate toxic heavy metals, drug residues, and hormone disruptors.

Increase Metabolism & Burn Fat– Sunlighten’s specific near infrared wavelength stimulates sluggish metabolism and improved fat burning for energy. Increasing core body heat can increase calorie burn, similar to exercise. Infrared saunas also help with the elimination of toxins that cause fat storage.

Improve Heart Health– Infrared therapy can help your heart work better by exercising the heart, reducing blood pressure, and improving circulation.

Reverse Aging & Renew Skin– Near infrared LEDs has been shown to increase collagen and elastin, improving overall skin appearance. Increased circulation also contributes to faster cell regeneration, which helps with appearance of scars.

Boost The Immune System-Heating the body from inside can improve the function of the immune system just like fever can. Therefore, regular Sunlighten sauna use can help reduce the incidences of cold and flu, and even help you recover faster.

Repair Muscles Faster-Many professional athletes use Sunlighten saunas to recover from their training and injuries. Sunlighten’s mid infrared spectrum can best penetrate joints and improve flexibility. Far infrared therapy is known to help with muscle soreness, whereas near infrared helps with tissue regeneration.

$30/session (Members)
$40/session (Non-members)
$200/ Month for unlimited use